- Copywriter at David Jones department store
- Copywriter at Leo Burnett (a trip to Europe shooting cigarette commercials gave me a yen for international travel)
- Editor of Dolly magazine
- Bought a one-way ticket to satisfy that yen for travel
- Editor of The House Magazine for the Houses of Parliament
- Public Relations at United Artists where part of the job was wrangling visiting actors and directors
- London's skies were too grey for an Aussie, so it was on to ...
- and three months on the island of Naxos writing a book
- Real life kicked in and I got a job as Editor of Life in Athens
- Columnist for The Athenian
- Journalist for Greece's Weekly for Business & Finance
- Enjoyed going to The Didge, the Australian Embassy's weekly happy hour
- Met my late husband there. He was working at the U.S. Embassy. So then it was off to ...